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Hope Nottingham works in partnership with Linking Lives to run a Two's Company Telephone Befriending Service. Aimed at adults who are looking for some extra friendship and support, this service endeavors to offer weekly telephone calls or a route to accompanying isolated individuals in Beeston a way to join in Hope House activities. We match individuals who are referred or refer themselves with volunteers who are carefully selected, trained and vetted.

£10 Gift of Friendship

  • What happens when you purchase your gift:

    • You'll receive an email receipt from our online shop. If you’ve also bought something else at the same time, you’ll get another email when that’s been sent to you.
    • Your email receipt will include a link to your digital gift certificate download. You can choose to print-at-home and personalise it, or to send the image by email.

    Please note: your gift is an example of the services, care and compassion which we provide to local people in need and how your money could be used. Your generous gift will help fund our work and your donation will be spent wherever the need is greatest.

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